Collective responsabilities
at Centre Marc Bloch
leader/founder of the computational social science team (2012-now), co-leader of research pole “State, political norms and political conflict” (axis 1) (2018-2022), elected member of the lab council (2013-15, 18-19), founder and co-organizer of the rencontres quali-quanti-cartographie seminar (2015-now) -
pedagogical board member of the master’s degree in sociology at EHESS (2016-now), editorial board member of Intellectica (2014-now), CERNA (Allistene Ethical Board) (2018-20).
Conference PC member
- current:
Complex Networks’23, FrCCS’23, AAAI’23, NetSciX’24
- past:
ASONAM Adv Soc Net Analysis & Mining (2015,17,18,20), CLA Concept Lattices & Applications (2010,11,12,13,14,16,18), ComplexNetworks (2017,18,19,20,21,22), IC2S2 Intl Conf Comp Soc Sci (2017,21) ICFCA Intl Conf Formal Concept Lattices (2008,09,10,11,12,13), ICWSM Intl Conf Web and Social Media (2012,18,20,21,22), SocInfo (2022), The Web Conference (2018,19,20,21,22), ISWC Intl Sem. Web Conf. (2015,17,18), WikiSym (2009-10-11-12)
regional/workshops: EPOS Epistemological Perspectives on Simulation (2008,12), ESWC Eur. Sem. Web Conf (2015-16-17), ESSA European Social Simulation Association (2007,08,09), EuroCSS Symposium (2018,19), FrCCS (2021), GESIS CSSWS Comp Soc Sci Winter Symposium (2014,15), NetGloW (2020), QTESO (2010), Algotel (2009), SS@IJCAI Sat-WS IJCAI (2009), WIN-2011 @ ACM HT (2011), WDN (2010), IEEE NetSciCom (2016), EUSN Eur Conf Soc Net (2016), MARAMI (2014,15,16,17,18,19,20), 3PGCIC (2013), Advances in Soc-Sem Network Analysis @ Sunbelt (2018-22).
Peer-review for journals
Check my publons profile for the main and recent journal peer-reviewing activities.